Monday, 18 July 2016

Taigh Mairi Anndra- first night. in Uist...

                                                What would these walls say…
                                                                  A Uist sojourn……

All the phrases which come to mind  in this particular moment, sound trite and ‘cheesy’ but for once, they are real. As I stand in the doorway of the tiny thatched cottage called “Taigh Mairi Anndra” in Scottish Gaelic,  ( The House of Mary, daughter of  Andrew), perched away up on the hill at the end of rough track in a small glen in South Uist, the Outer Hebrides, I contemplate the weather battered landscape in front of me. The house behind me, has walls three feet thick and I wonder what they would say “if they could talk”. What did they hear? Who did they see? “Breathtaking” in the literal sense, the wind blows today from the South West and carries with it, clouds of soft and curiously mild rain. I am used to island life , I live on the even tinier island of Canna in the Inner Hebrides,  but Uist has a peculiar softness, tinged with rough edges, which Canna doesn’t possess. Canna is green and verdant with basalt cliffs topped with heather moors. Uist is hilly moorland, interspersed with  lochans ( small lochs)  and dotted with sure footed island sheep. I know the island well, I have been coming here to work and on holiday for many years.
But this trip is different, special. I am here as one of the first people to stay in Taigh Mairi Anndra, since it was renovated as a self catering holiday home. Why is this one different? There are many such cottages hidden away as secret gems in the Outer Hebrides, with low doorways, thatched roofs and satellite dishes tucked away on fences and behind fuel tanks, to be brought down by the first sheep with a scratchy fleece…
                                                                         Margaret Fay Shaw
Taigh Mairi Anndra was the home of two sisters by the names of Peigi and Mairi Macrae. They spent most of their lives together in this tiny cottage until their deaths in the 1960’s and 70’s.  Unremarkable in their birth, they have left the world with an incredible legacy of Gaelic song and folklore, myths and stories. Songs and stories, which they recognised as needing to be preserved for future generations but  were without the means to record these memories and melodies. Until one New Years Day in 1928 when an ‘exotic’ young American woman happened in on them in Boisdale House  where they were invited to ‘perform’ Gaelic songs for her. Hailing from Pittsburgh her name was Margaret Fay Shaw and she had travelled to the Uist in a bid to find ‘the pristine’ form of Gaelic song, she had once heard sung by song collector Marjory Kennedy Fraser whilst at school in Helensburgh for a year as a teenager. Now in her early twenties she wanted to learn the language and the songs and entranced by a song sung by Mairi Macrae, she asked the sisters to take her in and teach her their songs. They agreed and she went to stay with them in this very cottage for almost 6 years, living as a croftswoman ( albeit with occasional trips to the Lochboisdale hotel for a hot bath and good dinner! She went onto create a formidable legacy of song and photorgraph – she was one of the first female photographers of the 20th Century, for us to enjoy and cherish today. In 1935 she married fellow folklorist John Lorne Campbell and their joint life’s work is in in Canna House on the Isle of Canna where I have the privilege of being the archivist for these precious collections.
This week ses me undertaking presentations on her work, using her song transcriptions  and ohotographs, Johns sound archive recordings and some of Margaets unpublished papers on various aspects of Gaelic folklore ‘hunting’.
I have the prividleg of staying in Taigh Mairi Anndra for the week, which has been beautifully restored to modern standards. But more important than the central heating or wifi is the fact that I look out on the same view as Margaret did 90 years ago. These walls have heard many songs. These walls have heard laughing and tears. These walls belong to a people long gone but they have left us with something so precious, it is hard to put it into words.

What will tomorrow  bring? The Uist mist currently hangs over the cottage but theres a glimpse of blue sky in the promise……

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible experience. I can't wait to read more.
